Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.


Curating stories that record, reveal, and react to human progress over time.
Momentary advocates for artists across all disciplines to contribute their work to the vast record of human history. The company prioritizes new writer development with a series of workshops and programs dedicated to cultivating and documenting the new play process. When producing pre-existing content, the focus will shift to new dramaturgical interpretations, design aesthetics, and character portrayals. The record we create is one of diverse and unique voices.
Momentary fuses the forms of theaters and museums, two ancient practices with their own distinct philosophies. Each will inform the other to create something new and contemporary; putting ideas and actions on exhibition while upholding the importance of a narrative in telling an honest history.
Momentary facilitates cultural conversations through active audience and community engagement. Our work is connected to the world from which it is devised, and will always evolve with and reflect this moment in time.

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