Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.

Looking for more Momentary content?
We're on a journey too! As our playwrights work to write their scripts, we're working on a few projects of our own. There's a lot going on at Momentary in the coming months and you won't want to miss it!
Follow us on all relevant social media channels @momentarythtr to hear more exciting announcements. And check back here at thisismomentary.com for exclusive new play content.


A World Premiere Workshop Reading
Separated from her bābā in Iran and living in a strange new land, a determined young girl contacts the President, Santa Claus, and God to determine the unknown variable – when her father will be granted a Visa from the United States so they can be reunited.
This new play by Nahal Navidar explores the fractured nature of time and memory through the lens of familial separation. Since Trump’s mass division of migrant children from their parents, approximately 1,000 children remain separated. Written from lived experience, the playwright offers a window into the future and the lifelong trauma the parent and child experience when they are stripped of their most instinctive human need.
Friday, March 29th @7pm
Saturday, March 30th @2pm and 7pm
The Jarvis Square Theater

Nahal Navidar

Joan Nahid
Performer, Ávā

Adam El-Sharkawi
Performer, Bābā

Antonio L. Rodriguez
Performer, Chorus
Jacob C. Shuler
Dramaturg, Director
Erik Jonathan Shuler
Stage Manager
Allyson Leisure
Costume Designer
Kousha Navidar
Sound Designer
Caitlin Stegemoller
Vocal Coach
Wanees Zarour
Jordan Merimee Navidar